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AFM Imaging Reveals MicroRNA-132 to be a Positive Regulator of Synaptic Functions
Ikbum Park, Hyun Jin Kim, Juyoung Shin, Yu Jin Jung, Donggyu Lee, Ji-Seon Lim, Jong Mok Park, Joon Won Park, Joung-Hun Kim



Npas4-mediated dopaminergic regulation of safety memory consolidation

BumJin Ko, Jong-Yeon Yoo, Taesik Yoo, Woochul Choi, Rumeysa Dogan, Kibong Sung, Dahun Um, Su Been Lee, Hyun Jin Kim, Sangjun Lee, Seung Tae Beak, Sang Ki Park, Se-Bum Paik, Tae-Kyung Kim, and Joung-Hun Kim

Cell Reports, 2023 June

Rewiring of prelimbic inputs to the nucleus accumbens core underlies cocaine-induced behavioral sensitization

Jaehan Kwon, Hyun Jin Kim, Hyoung-Ro Lee, Won-Kyung Ho, Joung-Hun Kim, Suk-Ho Lee

Biological Psychiatry, 2023 january

Reversibility and developmental neuropathology of linear nevus sebaceous syndrome caused by dysregulation of the RAS pathway

Ye Eun Kim, Yong-Seok Kim, Hee-Eun Lee, Ki Hurn So, Youngshik Choe, Byung-Chang Suh, Joung-Hun Kim, Sang Ki Park, Gary W Mathern, Joseph G Gleeson, Jong-Cheol Rah, Seung Tae Baek

Cell Reports, 2023 january



Deep brain stimulation by blood–brain-barrier-crossing piezoelectric nanoparticles generating current and nitric oxide under focused ultrasound

Taejeong Kim, Hyun Jin Kim, Wonseok Choi, Yeong Mi Lee, Jung Hyun Pyo, Junseok Lee, Jeesu Kim, Jihoon Kim, Joung-Hun Kim, Chulhong Kim & Won Jong Kim 

Nature Biomedical Engineering, 2022 December

Force Mapping Reveals the Spatial Distribution of Individual Proteins in a Neuron

Ji-seon Lim, Hyun Jin Kim, Ikbum Park, Sungwook Woo, Joung-Hun Kim, and Joon Won Park

Nano Letters, 2022 May 12

Retinoic acid-induced protein 14 controls dendritic spine dynamics associated with depressive-like behaviors

Soo Jeong Kim, Youngsik Woo, Hyun Jin Kim, Bon Seong Goo, Truong Thi My Nhung, Seol-Ae Lee, Bo Kyoung Suh, Dong Jin Mun, Joung-Hun Kim, Sang Ki Park 

eLife, 2022 Apr 25

Synaptic ensembles between raphe and D1R-containing accumbens shell neurons underlie postisolation sociability in males.

Choi JE, Choi DI, Lee J, Kim J, Kim MJ, Hong I, Jung H, Sung Y, Kim J, Kim T, Yu N, Lee S, Choe HK, Ja Koo JW, Kim J, Kaang B

Science Advances, 2022 October


LGI1 governs neuritin-mediated resilience to chronic stress

​Lee SH, Kim NS, Choi M, Ko SY, Wang SE, Jo HR, Seo JY, Kim YS, Kim HJ, Lee HY, Kim JH*, Son H*.

Neurobiol Stress. 2021;15:100373.


Fear response-based prediction for stress susceptibility to PTSD-like phenotypes

Jeong MJ, Lee C, Sung K, Jung JH, Pyo JH, Kim JH*.

Molecular Brain, 2020 October

Dopaminergic regulation of nucleus accumbens cholinergic interneurons demarcates susceptibility to cocaine addiction

Lee JH, Ribeiro EA, Kim J, Ko B, Kronman H, Jeong YH, Kim JK, Janak PA, Nestler EJ, Koo JW*, and Kim JH*.

Biological Psychiatry, 2020 May 

Dynamic Changes in the Bridging Collaterals of the Basal Ganglia Circuitry Control Stress-Related Behaviors in Mice

Lee Y, Han NE, Kim W, Kim JG, Lee IB, Choi SJ, Chun H, Seo M, Lee CJ, Koh HY, Kim JH, Baik JH, Bear MF, Choi SY, Yoon BJ.

Mol. Cells 2020 Jan; [Epub ahead of print]



Systematic analysis of expression signatures of neuronal subpopulations in the VTA.

Kim HJ, Kim M, Kang B, Yun S, Ryeo SE, Hwang D, Kim JH.

Mol Brain. 2019 Dec 11; 12(1):110.

Basal Forebrain Cholinergic-induced Activation of Cholecystokinin Inhibitory Neurons in the Basolateral Amygdala.

Lee S, Kim JH.

Exp Neurobiol.  2019 Jun; 28(3):320-328.

Nanoscale imaging reveals miRNA-mediated control of functional states of dendritic spines.

Park IB, Kim HJ, Kim YK, Hwang HS, Kasai H, Kim JH, Park JW.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.  2019 Apr 25.


DISC1 Modulates Neuronal Stress Responses by Gate-Keeping ER-Mitochondria Ca2+ Transfer through the MAM.

Park SJ, Lee SB, Suh Y, Kim SJ, Lee N, Hong JH, Park C, Woo Y, Ishizuka K, Kim JH, Berggren PO, Sawa A, Park SG.

Cell Reports. 2017 Dec; 21(10):2748-2759.


Alterations in Striatal Circuits Underlying Addiction-Like Behaviors.

Kim HJ, Lee JH, Yun K, Kim JH.

Mol Cells. 2017 Jun 30;40(6):379-385.


Identification of postsynaptic phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) roles for synaptic plasticity using chemically induced dimerization.

Kim SJ, Jeong MJ, Jo HJ, Jung JH, Kaang BK, Choi YB, Kim JH

Sci Rep. 2017 Jun 13;7:3351.


Memory and synaptic plasticity are impaired by dysregulated hippocampal O-GlcNAcylation.

Yang YR, Song S, Hwang H, Jung JH, Kim SJ, Yoon S, Hur JH, Park JI, Lee C, Nam D, Seo YK, Kim JH, Rhim H, Suh PG.

Sci Rep. 2017 Apr 3;7:44921.


Forebrain-specific ablation of phospholipase Cγ1 causes manic-like behavior.

Yang YR, Jung JH, Kim SJ, Hamada K, Suzuki A, Kim HJ, Lee JH, Kwon OB, Lee YK, Kim J, Kim EK, Jang HJ, Kang DS, Choi JS, Lee CJ, Marshall J, Koh HY, Kim CJ, Seok H, Kim SH, Choi JH, Choi YB, Cocco L, Ryu SH, Kim JH, Suh PG.

Mol Psychiatry. 2017 Jan 31. 




Amygdala Circuits for Fear Memory: A Key Role for Dopamine Regulation

Lee JH, Lee S, Kim JH.

Neuroscientist. 2016 Nov 20. pii: 1073858416679936


Replenishment of microRNA-188-5p restores the synaptic and cognitive deficits in 5XFAD Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease

Lee K, Kim H, An K, Kwon OB, Park S, Cha JH, Kim MH, Lee Y, Kim JH, Cho K, Kim HS.

Sci Rep. 2016 Oct 6;6:34433.


Visualization and quantification of microRNA in a single cell using atomic force microscopy.

Koo H, Park I, Lee Y, Kim HJ, Jung JH, Lee JH, Kim Y, Kim JH, Park JW.

J Am Chem Soc. . 2016 Aug 16; 138 (36): 11664–11671. 


Pairwise detection of site-specific receptor phosphorylations using single-molecule blotting

Kim KL, Kim D, Lee S, Kim SJ, Noh JE, Kim JH, Chae YC, Lee JB, Ryu SH.

Nat Commun. 2016 Mar 24;7:11107.


Dopamine-dependent synaptic plasticity in an amygdala inhibitory circuit controls fear memory expression.

Lee JH, Kim JH.

BMB Rep. 2016 Jan;49(1):1-2.




Bidirectional signaling of Neuregulin-2 mediates formation of GABAergic synapses and maturation of Glutamatergic synapses in newborn granule cells of postnatal Hippocampus.

Lee KH, Lee H, Yang CH, Ko JS, Park CH, Woo RS, Kim JY, Sun W, Kim JH, Ho WK, Lee SH.

J Neurosci. 2015 Dec 16;35(50):16479-93.


Dopamine regulation of amygdala inhibitory circuits for expression of learned fear.

Kwon OB, Lee JH, Kim HJ, Lee S, Lee S, Jeong MJ, Kim SJ, Jo HJ, Ko B, Chang S, Park SK, Choi YB, Bailey CH, Kandel ER, Kim JH

Neuron. 2015 Oct 21;88(2):378-89. 




Neuritin can normalize neural deficits of Alzheimer's disease.

An K, Jung JH, Jeong AY, Kim HG, Jung SY, Lee K, Kim HJ, Kim SJ, Jeong TY, Son Y, Kim HS, Kim JH.

Cell Death Dis. 2014 Nov 13;5:e1523.


Reading single DNA with DNA polymerase followed by atomic force microscopy.

Kim Y, Kim ES, Lee Y, Kim JH, Shim BC, Cho SM, Lee JS, Park JW.

J Am Chem Soc. 2014 Oct 1;136(39):13754-60.


Neuritin attenuates cognitive function impairments in tg2576 mouse model of Alzheimer's disease.

Choi Y, Lee K, Ryu J, Kim HG, Jeong AY, Woo RS, Lee JH, Hyun JW, Hahn S, Kim JH, Kim HS.

PLoS One. 2014 Aug 7;9(8):e104121.




Exosomes neutralize synaptic-plasticity-disrupting activity of Aβ assemblies in vivo.

An K, Klyubin I, Kim Y, Jung JH, Mably AJ, O Dowd ST, Lynch T, Kanmert D, Lemere CA, Finan GM, Park JW, Kim TW, Walsh DM, Rowan MJ, Kim JH.

Mol Brain. 2013 Nov 13;6:47. 


Cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (Cdk5) regulates the function of CLOCK protein by direct phosphorylation.

Kwak Y, Jeong J, Lee S, Park YU, Lee SA, Han DH, Kim JH, Ohshima T, Mikoshiba K, Suh YH, Cho S, Park SK.

J Biol Chem. 2013 Dec 27;288(52):36878-89.


Inhibitory networks of the amygdala for emotional memory.

Lee S, Kim SJ, Kwon OB, Lee JH, Kim JH.

Front Neural Circuits. 2013 Aug 1;7:129. 


Neuroligin-1 controls synaptic abundance of NMDA-type glutamate receptors through extracellular coupling.

Budreck EC, Kwon OB, Jung JH, Baudouin S, Thommen A, Kim HS, Fukazawa Y, Harada H, Tabuchi K, Shigemoto R, Scheiffele P, Kim JH. 

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Jan 8;110(2):725-30. 




Mind bomb-1 is an essential modulator of long-term memory and synaptic plasticity via the Notch signaling pathway.

Yoon KJ, Lee HR, Jo YS, An K, Jung SY, Jeong MW, Kwon SK, Kim NS, Jeong HW, Ahn SH, Kim KT, Lee K, Kim E, Kim JH, Choi JS, Kaang BK, Kong YY.

Mol Brain. 2012 Oct 30;5:40.


Neuritin produces antidepressant actions and blocks the neuronal and behavioral deficits caused by chronic stress.

Son H, Banasr M, Choi M, Chae SY, Licznerski P, Lee B, Voleti B, Li N, Lepack A, Fournier NM, Lee KR, Lee IY, Kim J, Kim JH, Kim YH, Jung SJ, Duman RS.

roc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Jul 10;109(28):11378-83


An activity-regulated microRNA, miR-188, Controls dendritic plasticity and synaptic transmission by downregulating Neuropilin-2.

Lee K, Kim JH, Kwon OB, An K, Ryu J, Cho K, Suh YH, Kim HS

J Neurosci. 2012 Apr 18;32(16):5678-87. 


Astrocyte-originated ATP protects Aβ(1-42)-induced impairment of synaptic plasticity.

Jung ES, An K, Hong HS, Kim JH, Mook-Jung I

J Neurosci. 2012 Feb 29;32(9):3081-7.


Amyloid precursor protein binding protein-1 knockdown reduces neuronal differentiation in fetal neural stem cells.

Hong BH, Ha S, Joo Y, Kim JA, Chang KA, Woo RS, Suh YH, Kim JH, Kim HS.

Neuroreport. 2012 Jan 25;23(2):61-6.




Pathway-specific alteration of synaptic plasticity in Tg2576 mice.

Jung JH, An K, Kwon OB, Kim HS, Kim JH.

Mol Cells. 2011 Aug;32(2):197-201.


Neurexin-neuroligin transsynaptic interaction mediates learning-related synaptic remodeling and long-term facilitation in aplysia.

Choi YB, Li HL, Kassabov SR, Jin I, Puthanveettil SV, Karl KA, Lu Y, Kim JH, Bailey CH, Kandel ER.

Neuron. 2011 May 12;70(3):468-81.


Focal transient ischemia increases APP-BP1 expression in neural progenitor cells.

Joo Y, Lee SH, Ha S, Hong BH, Kim JH, Suh YH, Kim HS

Neuroreport. 2011 Mar 30;22(5):200-5. 


Cell type-specific alterations in the nucleus accumbens by repeated exposures to cocaine.

Kim J, Park BH, Lee JH, Park SK, Kim JH.

Biol Psychiatry. 2011 Jun 1;69(11):1026-34. 




Amyloid precursor protein binding protein-1 modulates cell cycle progression in fetal neural stem cells.

Joo Y, Ha S, Hong BH, Kim JA, Chang KA, Liew H, Kim S, Sun W, Kim JH, Chong YH, Suh YH, Kim HS.

PLoS One. 2010 Dec 2;5(12):e14203.


Disrupted-in-schizophrenia 1 (DISC1) plays essential roles in mitochondria in collaboration with Mitofilin.

Park YU, Jeong J, Lee H, Mun JY, Kim JH, Lee JS, Nguyen MD, Han SS, Suh PG, Park SK

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 Oct 12;107(41):17785-90.


Input-specific synaptic plasticity in the amygdala is regulated by Neuroligin-1 via postsynaptic NMDA receptors.

Jung SY, Kim J, Kwon OB, Jung JH, An K, Jeong AY, Lee CJ, Choi YB, Bailey C, Kandel ER, Kim JH

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 Mar 9;107(10):4710-5. 




Sustained CPEB-dependent local protein synthesis is required to stabilize synaptic growth for persistence of long-term facilitation in aplysia.

Miniaci MC, Kim JH, Puthanveettil S, Si K, Zhu H, Kandel ER, Bailey C.

Neuron. 2008 Sep 25;59(6):1024-36. 


Neuroligin-1 is required for normal expression of LTP and associative fear memory in the amygdala of adult animals.

Kim J, Jung SY, Lee YK, Park SK, Choi JS, Lee CJ, Kim HS, Choi YB, Scheiffele P, Bailey C, Kandel ER, Kim JH.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008 Jul 1;105(26):9087-92. 


Extracellular ATP mediates necrotic cell swelling in SN4741 dopaminergic neurons through P2X7 receptors.

Jun DJ, Kim J, Jung SY, Song R, Noh JH, Park YS, Ryu SH, Kim JH, Kong YY, Chung JM, Kim KT.

J Biol Chem. 2007 Dec 28;282(52):37350-8.

Swedish amyloid precursor protein mutation increases phosphorylation of eIF2alpha in vitro and in vivo.

Kim HS, Choi Y, Shin KY, Joo Y, Lee YK, Jung SY, Suh YH, Kim JH*.

J Neurosci Res. 2007 May 15;85(7):1528-37.

Intracellular domains of amyloid precursor-like protein 2 interact with CP2 transcription factor in the nucleus and induce glycogen synthase kinase-3beta expression.

Xu Y, Kim HS, Joo Y, Choi Y, Chang KA, Park CH, Shin KY, Kim S, Cheon YH, Baik TK, Kim JH, Suh YH.

Cell Death Differ. 2007 Jan;14(1):79-91



Serotonin-induced regulation of the actin network for learning-related synaptic growth requires Cdc42, N-WASP, and PAK in Aplysia sensory neurons.

Udo H, Jin I, Kim JH, Li HL, Youn T, Hawkins RD, Kandel ER, Bailey CH.

Neuron. 2005 Mar 24;45(6):887-901.



A neuronal isoform of CPEB regulates local protein synthesis and stabilizes synapse-specific long-term facilitation in aplysia.

Si K, Giustetto M, Etkin A, Hsu R, Janisiewicz AM, Miniaci MC, Kim JH, Zhu H, Kandel ER.

Cell. 2003 Dec 26;115(7):893-904.

Presynaptic activation of silent synapses and growth of new synapses contribute to intermediate and long-term facilitation in Aplysia. 

Kim JH*, Udo H, Li HL, Youn TY, Chen M, Kandel ER, Bailey CH.

Neuron. 2003 Sep 25;40(1):151-65.

p38 MAP  kinase mediates both short-term and long-term synaptic depression in aplysia.

Guan Z*, Kim JH*, Lomvardas S, Holick K, Xu S, Kandel ER, Schwartz JH.

J Neurosci. 2003 Aug 13;23(19):7317-25


Integration of long-term-memory-related synaptic plasticity involves bidirectional regulation of gene expression and chromatin structure.

Guan Z, Giustetto M, Lomvardas S, Kim JH, Miniaci MC, Schwartz JH, Thanos D, Kandel ER.

Cell. 2002 Nov 15;111(4):483-93.

The involvement of oxidative stress in tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL)-induced apoptosis in HeLa cells.

Lee MW, Park SC, Kim JH, Kim IK, Han KS, Kim KY, Lee WB, Jung YK, Kim SS.

Cancer Lett. 2002 Aug 8;182(1):75-82.

Carboxyl-terminal peptide of beta-amyloid precursor protein blocks inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-sensitive Ca2+ release in Xenopus laevis oocytes.
Kim JH*, Rah JC, Fraser SP, Chang KA, Djamgoz MB, Suh YH.

J Biol Chem. 2002 Jun 7;277(23):20256-63.



Use-dependent effects of amyloidogenic fragments of (beta)-amyloid precursor protein on synaptic plasticity in rat hippocampus in vivo.

Kim JH*, R. Anwyl, Y-H. Suh, M.B.A. Djamgoz and M.J. Rowan.

J. Neurosci. 2001 Feb 15;21(4):1327-33






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